Monday, August 23, 2010


I can't believe that school starts next Monday!! I'm so excited but nervous all at the same time! If you don't already kno I'm going thru the nail tech program at CEU. We've had a few bumps in the road as far as finanical aid goes, but otherwise I'm ready to get this thing done! If you want to help me out by being a model, feel free to call me! Or call the Cosmotology Dept at CEU once school starts and make an appt with me!

Friday, August 13, 2010

I'm grateful

So lately I've been trying toget my meds leveled out and the right one and because of it I've seemed really negative. Being a mom and wife is not always the easiest job in the world, and you give up a lot of things for your kids and husband. But I wouldn't want to change being a mom for the world. So I just wanted to list all the things I'm grateful, worldly and non-worldly.

1. My wonderful husband of almost 5 years.

2. My son Riley, no matter what he does he makes me smile.

3. My daughter Kaylynn, even though she is so clingy sometimes, she is so funny and sweet.

4. The Gospel.

5. Quiet time.

6. Movies in the car.

7. Family to help me thru my hard times.

8. In laws who accept me and are always there for me.

9. Hand me downs.

10. Isaiah's job, and knowing that there will always be a need for an officer somewhere.

11. Doctors.

12. My own bed

13. being able to go back school, and for family willing to help watch my children so I don't have to pay for daycare.

14. Dr. Pepper, if I don't have one a day I think I'd die! lol

15. Riley when he is being a lovey guy for the day, he's not so hard to handle.

16. Prayer.

17. Priesthood.

18. Being able to shower alone with no interruptions. :)

19. Owning my own home.

20. Having a vehicle to get around with.

21. A great ward and Bishop

22. Great friends.

23. For the days I do get to excersize.

24. Enough money to pay the bills.

25. My wonderfully busy, crazy life!