On Memorial Day we celebrated Riley's birthday with family. My parents came over from Duchesne and brought my Grandma Parry and we again had a BBQ, but this time Isaiah was there and not working. Riley had tons of fun playing with cousins, and seeing Papa, Nana, Auntie Ed, Auntie Kay, and great Grandma Parry. He got more gifts a car from the movie Cars from Austin and the movie BOLT and some bubbles from Kara and Clint. Maggie gave him $10 which he used to buy a Thomas the Train from Kmart. My parents got him a basketball hoop which he loves to play with, and so does his dad! I didn't get any pictures of the cake and ice cream, but I baked a cake and cup cakes. He didn't even want one cause he wanted to go play! Overall the party was great and we all had fun!
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