2 years old
1 year old

okay so I was stalking blogs and I came across Tara's and I saw what she had done for Dylyn when she turned 2, and I liked it so Tara forgive me for swiping the idea too! You're so creative! Anyway, My little boy turned 2 in May! My baby boy is now my little boy and I can't believe how he's grown. He's so sweet and goes non-stop. He is definately his fathers child. LOL But we love him anyway. He's getting so smart, talking in full sentences, but getting so mouthy! But it's okay, I'm sure it could be worse, but I wouldn't wish that on myself! LOVE YOU RILEY!!
1 comment:
They really do grow up so fast, don't they? And your little girl is adorable! Glad you found us :)
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