Okay so there are a lot of pictures on here. But most of them are the important ones! Or so I thought! But this is what our house looks like now. I'll take some after it's finished too. I tried to get them in order but them gave up. But I've labeled them all. Aftr I talked to our realtor today and told him that the current owner is planning on being finished on the inside by monday and the whole thing next friday, he said we'd probably be able to close the week after! So we will be in our house HOPEFULLY in 2 weeks!! YAY! Keep your fingers crossed! jfrtnb xd nv4v vjh fgh. That was Riley.

this is the stairs that go to the basement from outside.
There is an outside screen door.

This is one of the outside storage rooms. This is
the front one. I couldn't get one of the back, it was
too muddy.

This is the food storage room that is downstairs.

This is the 1 bedroom that is downstairs

This is the other storage room that is downstairs.

This will be the laundry room. The current owner
has a double deep sink to put in here too. Our plan
is to later put in a shower and toilet.

This is the furnace and waterheater room. It is
under the stairs.

This is part of the downstairs living room. It had
a fireplace once, but when it was forclosed upon
they took it. So we'll buy one eventually. There was
another picture that I took but I forgot to upload it.

Here's the stairs going up!

Here's the stairs going down!

This is the main bathroom. It's got a nice big sink!

Here is the tub in the main bathroom. The current
owner has been sleeping here in order to get things done.

This is the Master Bathroom. Not way big, but
it'll do for now!

This is the Master Bedroom from the inside.

This is the Master Bedroom from the doorway.

This is one of the pictures of the other bedrooms.
I accidentally deleted the other! As you can see
this is where the guy is sleeping. LOL.

This is the 3rd bedroom upstairs. It's smaller then
the other one.

Here is a picture of the 3nd bedroom from the doorway.

This is a view of the back stairs and deck that go to
the back door that enters the kitchen.

Here is the kitchen without the appliances and the
tile finished. Over on the far left he's going to finish
texturing and painting then will put in 2 shelves.

Here's the 2nd picture of the Kitchen. He's putting
board over the wall paper and then texturing and
painting it.

Here is the front room! Small but it'll be just fine!
This is the hallway that goes to the bedrooms and
the main bathroom. There is the closet at the end
of the hall that you see and one to the left of the
camera that you don't see.

This is front the left of the house. That's the back

Here is the side of the house. It's set in what used
to be a trailer park so it's not straight in facing the

Then this is the front of the house. The current
owner is also doing the yard. He has put in a
sprinkling system too.
Looks like it is going to be GREAT!! Can't wait to see the after pictures! I think I may be able to come visit, I should know for sure in a couple of days and will let you know!
Cute! Looks like it will be awesome when it's done! Congrats!
Hey Ashley!!
I was so excited to find out that you have a blog(I found it from Brianne's blog)!
I'm jelous that you have a fun house to re-due. Looks great!
Kaylynn is growing so much, she's a DOLL!! :o)
How exciting to be getting your own place! So glad to find out about your blog! We have one too. Check it out...... www.kathywhittle.blogspot.com.
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