Kitchen with tile and messy table(forgive me)

Kitchen with everything clean, but a few things
not put alway.

Back door and back of the kitchen

Riley's small room. It looks little bigger without
all his stuff!

Our bathroom!

Kids bathroom. Riley loves the frog

Kids bathroom

Downstairs from the far wall by the TV.
Downstairs looking towards the hall and stairs.

Front entry way
then we'll have furniture.

Downstairs bedroom.
is downstairs also.

The hallway upstairs
Finally!! After a very long time. I finally have finished pictures of the house. It's pretty organized. I did forget our bedroom though, and Kaylynn's! I'll post them when I get a chance to take them. Which will be when our room is clean and when I rememer to take one of Kaylynn's when she isn't sleeping! But yay!!
Ashley! I am so happy for you guys! It looks great!
Oh My Gosh! I Love your house! It's so spacious! I'm jealous. Congrats!!
Love it! Yay, I am so excited for you that you are in your house...and maybe a little envious!
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