Monday, May 24, 2010
Riley's 3rd Birthday!!!
Well Riley is now 3! He turned 3 on Friday May 21st. We had a small party for him at our house, with just close family. He quite enjoyed himself. He got TONS of clothes, and a few toys! We had cake and ice cream, and Riley didn't even have any cause he was so busy playing with his new toys and his NEW BIKE! We got him a bike that he can actually pedal! He's still learning, he does fairly well, but once he gets peddaling he forgets to steer. He loves it! HAPPY BIRTHDAY RILEY!

Kaylynn loved his bike she didn't want to get off

He's trying to ride it around the kitchen...not working..

Getting on his new bike for the first time!

Isaiah's parents got him this golf set, he LOVES
it he hardly puts it down.

Clint felt the need to get him a nerf gun, bet
you can't guess what he did with it? Yep

Clothes from Grandma Parry and mom and dad

Opening grandma parry's gift!

His cake that I decorated myself!
I can't believe that my baby boy is 3 already! What a crazy time! On May 21st, 2007 I gave birth to him in Logan at 3:48 pm. He was 8 lbs 3 oz and 21 inches long. Now he's over 3 feet tall, and is 30 lbs! He has such a personality and it so sweet! He can say his ABC's and sing songs and boy does he talk up a storm. He's always asking questions and getting into trouble too! But we love him anyways! It has been a great 3 years already and the next ones will be just as fun! I LOVE YOU RILEY!!!!
Kaylynn loved his bike she didn't want to get off
He's trying to ride it around the kitchen...not working..
Getting on his new bike for the first time!
Isaiah's parents got him this golf set, he LOVES
it he hardly puts it down.
Clint felt the need to get him a nerf gun, bet
you can't guess what he did with it? Yep
Clothes from Grandma Parry and mom and dad
Opening grandma parry's gift!
His cake that I decorated myself!
I can't believe that my baby boy is 3 already! What a crazy time! On May 21st, 2007 I gave birth to him in Logan at 3:48 pm. He was 8 lbs 3 oz and 21 inches long. Now he's over 3 feet tall, and is 30 lbs! He has such a personality and it so sweet! He can say his ABC's and sing songs and boy does he talk up a storm. He's always asking questions and getting into trouble too! But we love him anyways! It has been a great 3 years already and the next ones will be just as fun! I LOVE YOU RILEY!!!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Kaylynn's 1st birthday!!
I can't believe that my baby girl is one!! She is getting so big and doing so much! It's crazy! I took her to the dr today for her shots and her well child visit. She weighted a whopping total of 17.2 lbs and was 29 1/4 inches long. So she's tall and skinny yet petitie! She as her very own personality, which is anywhere from laid back to very high mantience. She's a girly girl, cause she'll sit pretty good for me to do her hair. She'll sit pretty good for me to paint her toe nails too! lol. She's walking all over the place, almost running now. Climbing stairs, and talking. She has atleast 10 words she can say. It's so fun, but I can't believe that over a year ago now I had my beautiful baby girl! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAYLYNN EVALINA!
May 5th, 2010
I planned a party for her as well yesterday. It went over fairly well. I originally had it planned at the park, but the wind picked up so bad that we moved it to our house. Which I was SO grateful for! Riley was kind of disappointed but it was okay! My parents came over from Duchesne and brought my Grandma Evans with them. I was so glad she was able to come in all truthfullness. :D Then Isaiah's parents were there and 3 of his older sisters and their kids. Riley helped Kaylynn blow out her candle, and open her presents. :D Which was just fine, once she realized what he was doing she had to get in on it too. I did her cake all by myself. It was quite fun. May not have been the best but it was fine. She got all clothes! Only 2 toys, one from us and one from Isaiah's parents and the funny part was it was the same toy! I was going to go exchange one but Isaiah opened one before noticing I had opened one. So now we have 2! LOL It was a good time though!
I tried to make this a marble cake. Isaiah wasn't
very happy cause he likes chocolate cake.
Us singing to her!
got from her grandparents.
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